
Buy & Give Office Paper Program Make Wishes Come True in Indianapolis

Written by Kim Cronk | Aug 4, 2021 4:00:00 AM



The Millcraft Indianapolis team was on hand to share in the excitement of granting the heartfelt wish for a family camper to Make-a-Wish “Wish Child” Sammy Boling, age 5.

With Make-a-Wish OKI (OH/KY/IN) as our designated Buy & Give Paper program beneficiary in Indianapolis and Fort Wayne, both Indiana-based Millcraft divisions selected a “Wish Child” to sponsor earlier this year. Funds generated from Millcraft Indianapolis’s Buy & Give paper sales directly supported the fulfillment of Sammy’s wish.

Giving back and supporting our communities is important to the Millcraft family. When you purchase Buy & Give office paper, you’re not just buying a product – you’re supporting local non-profit organizations that make a positive difference in our communities every day.

To learn more about the Buy & Give program in your area, just ask.

Written by Susan Morgan