Where’s the Growth?
Projected Growth of Inkjet
Since 2005, production color digital inkjet printing has grown steadily, and there are more than 651 global placements of high-speed digital color print engines today with a forecast of 990 by 2019. The global placement growth rate forecast for 2014-2019 is 13.7 percent.
The global production color inkjet print volume is expected to grow from nearly 200 billion letter pages in 2014 to more than 525 billion in 2019.
Source: InfoTrends’ Global Printing and Copying Market Forecast: 2014-2019
Print’s Share of Communications Spending by Industry

Print represents the largest share of communications spending at 29 percent overall.
Print accounts for more than a quarter of communications spending in all industries except utilities/telecom. (These percentages are not expected to change significantly in the next two years.)Source: Micro to Mega: Trends in Business Communications, InfoTrends 2015