eLynxx 101

eLynxx 101

Easy-to-use software saves money and brings actionable insight to the print-buying process.

Organizations dealing with print procurement–anything from direct mail, marketing, and publications to signage, point-of-purchase, and packaging–know it can be a time-consuming and budget-busting process. Throw in different silos (think: HR, marketing, legal) or different geographies, and you have a recipe for disorder, if not disaster.

“We find many companies don’t even realize how much their print spend is because it’s in different parts of the organization,” says Courtney Enser, Millcraft’s director of marketing and sales alignment.

Millcraft recently partnered with eLynxx (pronounced e-links)–a web-based software solution–to help mid- to large-size businesses achieve cost and operational efficiencies when sourcing and managing custom print projects.

Enser notes three key benefits of the software:

Keep Your Trusted Vendors. eLynxx provides all existing stakeholders with a tool to communicate through one platform. That means you can continue to work with the printers and other vendors you trust most. Simple reporting features also make it easy to see how much you’re spending with each vendor.

Save Money. “This is a way for customers to capture–and leverage–their entire print spend,” says Enser. It makes it easier for marketing to keep projects on-spec and on-time, purchasing to automate procurement tasks, finance to gain transparency and reporting, and the C-suite to promote cost savings and operational efficiencies.

Get More Efficient. Everything from specification writing and vendor selection to price acquisition, approvals, and change order management can be handled with a few simple clicks. Say good-bye to spread sheets, emails, confusion, and miscommunication.

By Laurie Hileman

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