Wrap It up Right

Wrap It up Right

Close more sales with custom packaging.

You’ve done your research and produced a great product you think consumers will love. You’ve placed advertising, planned your promotions, and set sales goals, but you’re not getting the results you anticipated.

It may be because the outer wrapping of your product is just as important as what’s on the inside. In this case, what’s on the outside does matter.

Your packaging can make or break your product. It’s often the first thing consumers see, smell, and touch, so it’s crucial that it be appropriate to your product—and entices customers to buy.

Three things to consider when choosing the right packaging for your product

  1. Your supply chain. There are many ways to ensure that your product gets where it needs to go without being delayed or incurring extra costs. Proper labeling, leaner construction, reusable materials, and built-in bar codes are just a few options that are available.
  2. Protection from damage. Your product may be vulnerable to water, sunlight, extreme temperatures, or physical stress from compression. Special packaging products such as corrosion inhibitors, clamshells, and foam-in-place can protect it.
  3. Your target audience. Specially printed or customized packaging increases the value of your product at first glance. Colors, shapes, textures, graphics, and fonts can help send the message you want through your outer wrapping—whether your desired customers are budget conscious or interested in luxury goods.

By Amy Soper

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