How Do You Measure ROI of a Print Marketing Campaign?

How Do You Measure ROI of a Print Marketing Campaign?

Try 3 simple strategies to monitor effectiveness.

Print is a key player in any cross-media marketing mix. And with increasing personalization options and the ability to seamlessly integrate print pieces with digital components, today’s marketers can drive serious results.

But how do you know what’s working and what’s not? You can easily measure the ROI of your next print marketing campaign using these three strategies.

  1. Capture leads on a unique landing page.

Rather than simply directing readers to visit your website, create a unique webpage (known as a landing page) that builds upon the messaging of your print piece. Capture leads by having recipients take a survey, download a whitepaper, or request more information.

  1. Use a clear and concise call-to-action.

Your print piece and landing page should both include clear, easy-to-read call-to-actions that direct readers and visitors along their customer journey. Be sure to include a specific timeframe for response to create a sense of urgency and make it easier to track results of individual campaigns.

  1. Track your metrics.

Crunching data makes the not-so-tech-savvy among us cringe. But with today’s user-friendly analytics tools such as Google Analytics (free!), Clicky, and Heap, it’s surprisingly easy. As you see how visitors interact with your site by studying bounce rates, page views, and sources of incoming traffic, you can make adjustments where needed.

A well-developed landing page, clear call-to-action, and metric tracking system will help you determine the effectiveness of your next print marketing campaign—and start a cycle of continuous improvement.

By Laurie Hileman

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