Stop Using the Word Print!

Stop Using the Word Print!

Stop and take a moment to look around you – print is everywhere. Whether is it the trendy T-shirt with a cool saying or a new smartphone case or a reusable tote bag for your groceries, it all incorporates print.

Yet, to most people under the age of 30, print is viewed as a four-letter word that can get you shunned. In their minds, print is a technology from the Stone Age used to create Yellow Pages, junk mail, and financial statements. Millennials bank online, use their phones for everything, and store information in the cloud. When everything is done online, who needs print anymore?

What Millennials don’t know is that print has evolved and it’s everywhere. Print is a crucial part of today’s marketing and product strategy. The rise of product customization or the product of one, where a product is tailored to each individual customer, is made possible by print. Those custom candies with your name on them, the cake with your picture, or the custom sneakers you designed online are all produced using elements of print technology. 

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