Robert Lee

Multimedia Specialist at Millcraft.

Direct To Garment Growth in the Market

Industry Update on Direct to Garment The past couple of years have been very impactful to the printing industry. Most markets have seen a decline..

The Possibilities Are Limitless: Millcraft DTG with InkSoft

Taking custom orders from clients drives the print-on-demand industry. One-of-a-kind prints for a special event, a sports team, or a family vacation,..

How can DTG help grow your business?

Print-On-Demand is on a huge surge with no slowing in site. Direct to Garment provides an efficient and cost-effective way to capitalize on this..

What Is Direct-To-Garment Printing Anyway?

Direct-To-Garment (also known as DTG) printing is almost exactly how it sounds. DTG printing is a process of printing directly on textiles and other..

Why Commercial Printers Should Consider DTG

If you haven’t already heard, there is a shortage in the paper supply chain. Not only does this impact your clients, but it will also impact your..