Neenah Relaunches The Design Collection
Neenah recently announced the re-launch of The Design Collection. The refreshed portfolio of premium papers for print and packaging has been..

Lead & Serve – Mohawk Maker Quarterly Issue 14
Mohawk recently released its newest issue to the Maker Quarterly campaign, and it’s dedicated to those creatives who’ve chosen to step into service..

Neenah Explore 6 – Using Digital Print to Drive Real Estate Sales
For real estate agents, getting noticed is the first step to making the sale with 70% of buyers and sellers use the first realtor they contact. This..

A Better Way to Measure up
When an overseas vendor of measuring tapes could not meet the needs of a major garment retailer, Millcraft successfully sized up the challenge.

Make Your Direct Mail More Measurable
Inspired design combined with just-right paper, coatings, varnishes, and printing techniques will capture your recipients’ attention.

Direct Mail – Respect the 5 Second Rule
We’re all familiar with the phrase, “you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.” Good, bad or indifferent, impressions are formed..

The Marketing of Higher Education – A New Program from Millcraft
When it comes to the marketing of higher education, nothing compares to the medium of print for producing strong ROI on marketing spend. After all,..

Issue 13 of the Mohawk Maker Quarterly – Disruption
The word disruption is one of those words greatly overused in the English lexicon today. So it’s understandable if one rolls their eyes at the use of..

A Classic Retail Revolution
Retail is alive and kicking! According to “Debunking the Apocalypse”, a 2017 report released by IHL Group, retailers were opening 4,080 more stores..

Great Ideas and Advice Are Free
Millcraft’s Design & Solution Centers get you the creative results you want without blowing your budget.

How Do You Measure ROI of a Print Marketing Campaign?
Try 3 simple strategies to monitor effectiveness.

How Letterpress Printing Came Back from the Dead
For designers used to wielding a mouse, a steamroller might seem excessive. Yet every summer in Seattle, teams from Starbucks, Facebook, Amazon,..

An Unexpected and Innovative Solution: Corrugated Cardboard and GoKarton
In 2014, husband and wife Laura Maldonando and Edgardo Rodriguez, founded GoKarton with the mission to custom design and build innovative,..

Supercharge Your Signage with These 5 Tips
Grab your customers’ attention and draw them in with eye-popping (and effective) design.

Sappi’s “Ideas that Matter” program empowers great ideas – changing lives, communities, the world.
Sappi’s Ideas that Matter program recognizes and supports designers who partner with organizations to bring great ideas to life. Over the..

So You Want to be a Print Designer
Based on various interviews with designers within the print design industry, Ypsilanti, Michigan-based illustrator Mary Winkler compiled a practical..

Show vs. Tell: The Case for Mock-ups
Test-drive your next printing or packaging job with a prototype from Millcraft’s Design and Solution Center.

Designing a Smarter Dummy
When a customer wants to present improved mock-ups to its clients, Millcraft’s Cincinnati Design and Solution Center delivers.

Columbus Society of Communicating Arts Presents Illustrator Andy J. Miller
Millcraft is proud to sponsor the Columbus Society of Communicating Arts (CSCA) which has been supporting the growth of Central Ohio graphic..

What Every Designer Needs to Know About Copyright Law
Being a good designer requires that you’re aware of the world around you, and sometimes the world around you is …trying to rip you off. That..

Seven Fun Examples of Interactive Print Ads
From soakable beer ads that speed up the beer-cooling process, to paper turntables that actually play with the help of an Iphone, to car ads that..

Sappi North America’s Ideas that Matter Grant Supports the Social Impact of Paper and Print
Sappi North America’s Ideas that Matter grant program financially supports designer applicants who create and implement print projects for social..

Mohawk Offers New Educational Series: “Choosing Paper”
Check out Mohawk’s new course in the online library called Print Production Essentials: Choosing Paper.

Neenah “Fresh Takes on Classic Type” is Eye Candy for Type Lovers
“Nothing makes a designer happier than type and paper.” ~ Ann Willoughby, Willoughby Design

A Maker’s Field Guide to Texture and Color with Mohawk
A discussion with Kevin Koetz from Mohawk on the impact materials have on a print project’s success, featuring Mohawk’s newest must-have resource for..

This is your Brain on Packaging
Neuroscience and design converge to drive buyer behavior.

Beyond the Little Blue Box
Peek inside the world of luxury packaging and see how you can take advantage of this growing, profitable market.